The film starts with Akaash (Kartik Tiwari) & Vani (Nushrat Bharucha), both setting out on their journey towards a common destination – St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University. It so happens that the moment they meet, their life takes an unusual turn. As they walk towards their first class in college, they are on their way to share their lives with each other for the next three years. Vani generates a calmness and control in Akaash that he never had and Akaash gives Vani a streak of rebellion she could never think of possessing within herself. And then it happens, for no reason except for the fact that they complete each other, they fall in love. In three years, Akaash & Vani become companions not only in the important things of life but also in the most stupid, mundane, irrational parts of each other’s life. But as college ends, they have to separate and when this separation reaches a point where it seems their destiny is to get each other back against the will of their families, society and their own dilemmas. The journey of Akaash & Vani’s struggle to find each other once again in the world they first met is the story of AkaashVani.
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